La Voz de DIOS

octubre 21, 2008

Dave James,

Filed under: Alberto Thirion, artistas famosos, California, caspa, enchantment, grabs, great, hades, Indiana, novel, novel shirts — Alberto Thirion @ 2:39 am

Alberto Thirion Gallery


La Catedral De La Tierra

This article is an update from the original article.
In my film for TV business I’ve met some creative people like Alberto Thirion of Durango, Mexico.  Actually, I meet creative people every time I go out to film.  Since I concentrate my filming efforts on preserving events that will soon become past events I often meet people that re-enact history.  Many times I film stories that have been put to music and dance.  An example would be our own Latin Ballet of Virginia performing Dias de Muertos, Day of the Dead.  What I’ve personally experienced is a new found interest in learning about new cultures, the people and their interest in preserving their heritage.
I am tickled to announce our new gallery, the Alberto Thirion Gallery.  We are working on an article to appear during the Christmas Holiday since my friend, Alberto, is a painter of religious art.  I find that Alberto’s paintings remind me of a past American painter, Grandma Moses.  Many of you may remember Grandma Moses and her unique style of painting.  In her style it was easy to know what her paintings were about.  Who said that art had to be complicated to convey a message or a feeling? 
I am not an art critic because I write about art in this particular article.  However, I am a friend of artists and will at times convey/display their creative endeavors on this site.  Originally I had written that Alberto’s art not only reminded me of Grandma Moses, but of another character in his style.  I will not mention this other character style, but I will say that the viewing and memory of a particular painting does not seem to want to leave my mind.  It has been at least three nights before bedtime that this painting is pictured in my mind’s eye.  La Catedral De La Tierra is this painting and it is pictured above.  When I wrote the original article a few days ago I had inserted three of his paintings.  Today I have taken two of the paintings out of the gallery so you can concentrate on Alberto’s painting, La Catedral De La Tierra.  Alberto Thirion’s paintings will begin to appear in this gallery and will be updated on a regular basis until the Holidays.
One might wonder how some of the photography or paintings on this site refer to rock and roll.  Well, in reality some of them don’t, but since James and I capture history in the making we are constantly exposed to new artists, music or not, working in mediums that we are not normally exposed to.  In music it could be instruments that we have never seen or heard.  As photographers of historical events we aim to display those people that we come across who are involved in politics, music, dance, culture, art and history.
Dave James,

Our Noches de Richmond Video Site

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septiembre 17, 2008


Filed under: beauty, fresh, novel, novelity, original, originality, passion, prestige, rarity, seduction, wonderful — Alberto Thirion @ 3:34 am


Escrito con el Navegador Flock


Filed under: beauty, enigma, fashion, finalymodel, fresh, inovation, new, novel, passion, unprecedent — Alberto Thirion @ 3:27 am


Escrito con el Navegador Flock

septiembre 12, 2008



Escrito con el Navegador Flock

agosto 26, 2008

Art Prints Bestsellers

Filed under: fairly, fancy, fashion, figurative, great, life, lucifer, model, new, novel, unprecedent, vida, Zona del Silencio — Alberto Thirion @ 3:55 pm

Alberto Thirion;The New Legend

The Earth Christ / Artwork of Al Thirion

Filed under: Alberto Thirion, alma, core, Cristo, gente famosa, life, marvel, masrely, mastrerpiece, miracle, model, new, novel, soul, surprise — Alberto Thirion @ 3:35 pm

The Most Famous Artist of Mexico

agosto 5, 2008

Diego Rivera y Alberto Thirion

Cuando Diego Rivera me conoció dijo;El Mejor pintor de México soy yo,y el segundo eres tú.Yo le dije que no estaba de acuerdo que el mejor era yo y el segundo era el.
El viejo se rió a carcajadas.
Me llevó mi padre a conocerlo era su amigo,yo tendria entonces unos 10 años.
A Siqueiros lo conocí también,solo que ya estaba en su ataúd,fué en «El Palacio de Bellas Artes»,el cual estaba desierto y en el centro del mármoreo palacio estaba Siqeiros Muerto,solo una persona lo velaba,era José Rebueltas, mi paisano.
A Cuevas lo conocí igualmente en el restaurante » Los Girasoles» frente al correo de la México, conocí a muchos otros artistas e intelectuales méxicanos,muchos de ellos ahora son una leyenda,recuerdo a …
Raúl Anguiano,que al ver mi obra cuando yo era muy joven me invitó a trabajar con el en su taller.
Yo ahora voy a cumplir 60 años,estas notas servirán para que los historiadores escriban sus librotes.

Publicado con El navegador Flock